I'm not one for the real sensitive type topics or whatever, but every once in a while I get the drive to try to push people I'm close to get out and actually do what they want to do. I was doing my daily blog rounds this morning, and my ipod was on shuffle. Now around this time of the day I'm usually real calm and my mind is free. When the music is playing, I'm listening to every instrument and word extremely heavily. So while the ipod picked the songs, Drakes Lust for Life emerged. Then I went into a deep thought and thought maybe I should do a post that can help or influence those around me or people I don't even know to get out and move forward.
Everything I'm about to say is in my opinion, but it has to be true if a guy like myself can go from here to a pretty good there.
In this twisted thing called life, people tend to look at the people that's successful and begin to think "I wish I lived like them." People also get so caught up in the word success and seeing success, they don't even act on their dreams and aspirations. It comes to the point to where the success is a daily day dream that becomes apart of the individual, and before they know it, they're almost 30 still talking about what they wanted to do when they were 20.
Success is and always will be in the hands of the person that really seeks it. There is no person in the world that can take dreams and goals away from somebody. So, as a friend and a person who wants to see everyone living the good life, even those I don't speak to, I want you all to get out there a do you. Don't think about failure or quick results. Those two are main reasons why people don't get to where they want to go.
To help out, here are a few rules I live by that helps me out everday
1. Work when you're alive, rest when you're dead
2. Have tunnel vision
3. Stay surrounded with positive people
4. Study the greats in your feild and try to do what they did but better
5. Network as much as possible
6. Travel to attend certain events that could be helpful
7. Never...NEver...NEVer...NEVEr...NEVER force the issue
8. Remain humble
9. Do all the shit you have and don't want to do
10. Pray
All of these steps helped me along my way, and I they can do the same for yall. If it's out there, it's attainable. With #10, for you religious folk, I was once told that a prayer is answered as soon as it is said. It's up to you to meet God, Allah, or who ever you worship halfway.
I know this is a bit unorganized, but I just wanted to do something positive
Peace n Love